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Escova de Cabelo Polvo Massagem - Pente para Cabelo InovaClaro, aqui está uma sugestão para organizar o título do seu produto de forma mais clara dor

(Cód. Item 32217901) | Disponível em estoque.

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Brand Name: other

Item Type: comb


1. Each row of teeth is an independent independent, the comb teeth are soft and round

2. It will not hurt the burglar, but will also touch the massage roller.

3. It is fixed with bracket and not easy to disperse when combined.

4. ABS rubber handle can be non-slip, very comfortable to touch.

5. Perfect for all types of hair, including straight, curly, beat, dry and great hair to use with your hair extensions.

6. The perfect volumizing brush for straight hair or sexy curly hair.

Included in Package:

1 x Lens

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